Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Faith formation permeates every aspect of the school day
As we try to model Christ and his teachings in all our words and actions, the values of our faith are not only taught only during religion class, but integrated into every part of our day. Students participate in weekly Mass on Wednesdays at 8:45 am.
All Catholic schools of the diocese of Sioux Falls are accredited by the state and adhere to curriculum standards for the state. Our Catholic school works within the framework of the South Dakota State standards in addition to Catholic Diocesan standards, infusing the instructional content with our Catholic identity.
We focus primarily on religious education, while also ensuring that the South Dakota State Standards for language arts, mathematics, science and social studies are met. We work closely with each student according to their individual needs. Our students also benefit from quality Art, Vocal Music, Technology and Physical Education, and Spanish programs. With the freedom to be in control of the learning process within our school, we can determine what to adapt, and only utilize that which best fits our mission.